2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修2Unit6教案Lesson 2
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修2Unit6教案Lesson 2第3页

stressed words.

Ask the question: How many words do you write down?

Ask students to give answers then the teacher gives the right answers.

Listen to these sentences again. What are they?

The teacher gives the listening materials so that students understand what they didn't catch.

Ⅲ Writing and Speaking

Do the exercise 7 to practise describing places

Choose a building you like (or hate) in your area. Make notes about it.

Do the exercise 8

Work in groups. Describe your school buildings to your classmates, but don't say its name. See if they can guess which building it is. Use expressions from the Function file.

The purpose is that the exercise can make the class lively, at the same time practise oral English.