2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修8练习学案:高考提能练 模块综合仿真检测灵活拆组卷
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修8练习学案:高考提能练  模块综合仿真检测灵活拆组卷第3页

  C.Hunting for eggs.

  16. What will the man probably do during the holiday?

  A.Hang out with other international students.

  B.Join the woman's family for the festival.

  C.Stay in the dorm reading a huge book.


  17. When did the speaker arrive in Antarctica?

  A.In December.

  B.In September.

  C.In March.

  18.What difficulty does the speaker have at the moment?

  A.There is a lot of hard work to do.

  B.The ship won't return for months.

  C.He is working with a small number of people.

  19.What has improved in Antarctica in the last ten years?



  C.Living conditions.

  20.What is the speaker trying to do?

  A.Remind scientists of danger in Antarctica.

  B.Describe his own experiences in Antarctica.

  C.Suggest ways of improving life in Antarctica.

  答案:1~5 BCABC   6~10 CACAC

  11~15 ABBCC   16~20 BACBB


  (Text 1)

  M:Hello! This is Bill Smith from the Greenhouse Club. May I speak to Mr. Jones?

  W:I'm sorry, but my dad isn't at home right now. He won't be back until six o'clock. I can give you his office phone number.

  (Text 2)

  M:Have a nice weekend! I will go camping. Do you have anything exciting planned?

  W:Not really. I was thinking of renting a boat at the Water Park with my classmates, but the national English competition is coming up, so I will probably have to prepare for it.

  (Text 3)

M:Do you usually get up at 6 every morning?