英语:Unit 4 The next step 学案(牛津译林版选修11)
英语:Unit 4 The next step 学案(牛津译林版选修11)第2页

1 before going to university 6 made to my life at university in

Canada ▲Deciding to which university to send your 2 , what course you want to

3 in, and which permits to study abroad.

▲Setting up e-mail addresses for my family is a good way to keep in 4 with them.

▲Learning how to use a stove and a rice cooker and how to cook some simple dishes. Learning how to do laundry and how to give the washing a short spin on a low heat is a 5 for an independent life. ▲Leaving the nest was hard for me, but I could study and meet new people to 7 myself to new life.

▲At first I found it strange to eat Canadian food, but later I am 8_ to it and I also can cook some Chinese food on my own. I am good at

9 the amount of money I spend each week, which makes my friends think of me as a

10 person.

▲University life in Canada can be exciting and busy. Step 4:Consolidation:Complete the dialogue

Xiaoyong(Y) and Xiaohua(H)

H: Hi, Xiaoyong, You know I'm going to study abroad. Would you like give me a quick p____ __

of what the university life looks like abroad.

Y: Of course. As far as I'm concerned, it's very e______ __.

H: Well, could you give me some a__ ____ about it?

Y: Surely, firstly you should look t_____ _numerous brochures to decide which university to apply to.

H: Right, but I have d_______on my university.

Y: Then you have to make some big a___________ to your life.

H: I agree with you. And anything else?

Y: Maybe you should learn how to cook and do l__________. Besides, you'd better s___ ____

some of your money away each week to make it last.

H: I will. Anyway, I feel worried about my future university life abroad.

Y: Don't worry. When planning for university, you should look f___ _____ instead of backwards .

H: Thanks a lot. I think I'll the most of it.

Y: You are welcome. If you have any other questions, do not h_____ __ to ask me at any time.

Step 5:研究理解句子,并注意划线部分的具体意义

1.I am writing this article to give you a quick preview of what to expect from university life either in

 China or abroad.(P50 Ls6-9)

2.After looking through numerous brochures,I decided on the East Canada Technology University,where I chose to study Civil Engineering,which is the study of how to build things like bridges and roads.

( P50 Ls16-21)

3.Moving to Canada meant making some big adjustmnts to my life.( P50 Ls22-23)