2018-2019学年度译林版选修六Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-Language points学案 (3)
2018-2019学年度译林版选修六Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-Language points学案 (3)第2页

7. perform v. 演出,表演;履行;工作,运转 n. performance / performer

       perform a trick 表演戏法

       perform an experiment/ an operation 做实验/手术

       perform one's promise 履行诺言

       perform well/ badly 表现好、差

perform a role in... 在......中发挥作用

give/ put on a performance 表演,上演

8. come up with 想出;拿出 (不用被动语态) 近义词组:put forward 提出

 come up with a good idea 想出一个好主意 come up with the money 拿出钱

9. amuse vt. 使......娱乐,逗笑,提供(消遣)

amuse sb (with sth/by doing )

He amused the boy by telling him a story.(讲故事来逗乐那个男孩)

amused adj. 开心的,好玩的

be -d at/ by 以......为乐 be -d to do sth. 做......取乐

keep sb. amused 使某人快乐

Playing with water can keep children amused for hours. 使孩子们玩乐几个小时。

amusing adj. 有趣的,可乐的 an amusing story/ game

amusement n. U 娱乐,消遣 C 快乐的事,娱乐,常用复数

 (much/ greatly)to one's amusement 使......感到很有趣的是,

amusement park 游乐场

10. saying n. 格言,谚语,警句

"Accidents will happen", as the saying goes. 俗话说:"意外事,总难免。"

There is a saying that goes.../ The saying goes that... 俗话说

11. strengthen v. ~ the bridge 反义词: weaken

n. strength