2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修2教案Unit5Lesson 1
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修2教案Unit5Lesson 1第2页

d) the start of the concert para1

T: Ask the question: How much do you know about her?


T: The Canadian rock singer and song writer, has won Grammy Awards for Best Rock Song. She has made many albums. She becomes world-famous singer.

Do the exercise 3.

Read the review again and answer these questions.

Ⅲ Understanding the text

a) Correct errors

1. She is used to be in the public eye. 2. Her new album was come out in 1995. 3. On last Thursday night, hundreds of fans went to the concert held in Cambridge.

4. The 30-years-old singer is popular with young people.

5. The song tells the story of someone looks for real love.

6. The atmosphere was extremely exciting so that many people stand to cheer.

7. The Canada singer was famous in her twenties.

8. Her new album that was published last week is sold well.

Answers: 1. be改为 being 2.去掉was把come 改为came 3.去掉 on 4. years 改为year 5. looks改为 looking 6. stand 改为stood 7. Canada 改为Canadian 8. 去掉 is 把sold改为 sell

b) According to the text arrange the right order.

1. Alanis won this year's Grammy Award or the best rock song.

2. Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in the song 'Utopia'.

3. Many fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England to see her in concert.

4. Everyone in the auditorium agreed that they were greatly impressed by the concert.

5. Alanis' album Jagged Little Pill came out

Answers: 5 1 3 2 4

Ⅳ speaking

We know singer's performance is important for a concert. Besides singers, concert needs other's stage effect, such as (show a slide) guide student to say out design,