2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修7教案:Unit21:Warm up教案1
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修7教案:Unit21:Warm up教案1第2页

Tell the students to listen to the tape ,guess which parts of the body being described?Which word help you decide?

Check the answers by playing the casstte again,pausing after each section to check the answer and elicit the words that helped students to decide.

Step3: Group work (a game )

1 Tell the students to read out the instructions ,and make sure the students understand the instructions .

2 Then tell them to work in group to test their body machine .

First ,Memory ;Write down five telephong numbers and swap with your partners,look for 30 seconds ,How many can he /she remember ? What about you ?

Second : Hearing:Everybody in class sit in silence for 30 seconds .Write down every sound you can hear, Compare your list with your partner s

Third :Find the pulse of your partner s wrist ,How many times does his /her heart beat in one minute ?

3 The teacher can point out onr or two groups to report their outcome to the class.see which group s list are better ,and who is the best winner of the each test.Teache may praise some students.

Step 4 Reading and practice

1 Show the questionare ,ask the students to read the questionnaire and answer the questions. They can woek in pairs .