2019学年度人教版选修八 Unit 3Inventors and inventions Period5 Using Language学案设计(5页word版含有解析)
2019学年度人教版选修八 Unit 3Inventors and inventions Period5 Using Language学案设计(5页word版含有解析)第3页

算机视觉和机器人学结合在了一起。所以如果你下载了我们的应用, 只需按一下'跟我走'按钮, 行李箱就会识别特定的用户, 跟随该用户并与之交流, 故选A。

3. What can we learn about NUA?

A. It was a company which was founded by Mashable.

B. It has improved the features of the device up to now.

C. It wants to bring more smart and robotic devices into daily life.

D. It will make the suitcase available to customers in a month.

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第四段 "Any object can be smart and robotic, " Libman told Mashable. "We want to bring robots into everyday life. "可知Libman在Mashable网站上说: 任何物体都可以变得智能化和自动化, 我们希望把机器人带进人们的日常生活。故选C。

4. Where is the article probably from?

A. A textbook.       B. A poster.

C. A biography. D. A website.

【解析】选D。文章出处题。本文为科技说明文, 主要介绍了一款像宠物狗一样走哪跟哪的智能行李箱, 这是一种新发明, 因此最可能是网络上的一篇新闻稿件, 故应选D。

Everyone knew I wanted to be an astronaut. Most people knew that I was also fascinated by basketball, and I just assumed that if I wanted to be in the NBA, I could. Few people knew that I read every John Grisham's novel starting from the age of 12 and wanted to be a lawyer.

As a young girl, I used to see Space Camp, the movie shown just after the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster. Every time I watched it, I got lost in my imagination. I was Katherine, the lead character who wanted to be the first female space shuttle commander. I had a robot friend named Jinx who could cause a major failure and send me into space. Because of that movie, I decided to become an astronaut.

All these Hollywood shows have an opportunity to influence kids. I am the living proof that young kids watch the products of Hollywood and are inspired by them or turned away by them. It's a serious responsibility.

Even as an adult today, my interests change much more quickly than I wish they did. I am truly addicted to trying new things! But I am proud of myself for trying. I hope I never lose that desire - to try. After all, my greatest achievement isn't actually achieving the final goal but rather that I at least tried.

To my joy, I was selected for an interview in the 2013 astronaut selection. I didn't actually get selected as an astronaut that year, but the experience alone was enough to inspire me never to give up. In the end, if I never make it into space to witness the beauty of this planet with my own eyes, at least I can say I have tried.

【文章大意】小时候, 作者有很多梦想: 当宇航员、球星、律师。受好莱坞电影的影响, 她一直想要成为一名宇航员。尽管参加宇航员选拔失败, 但使她自豪的是, 她从没有放弃尝试。结果不重要, 重要的是尝试。

5. Who was Katherine according to Paragraph 2?

A. The author herself.

B. A female astronaut.