【精品教案】2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语选修七教案:Unit 20 Section Ⅲ Artificial Intelligence & Scientific Breakthroughs
【精品教案】2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语选修七教案:Unit 20 Section Ⅲ Artificial Intelligence & Scientific Breakthroughs第2页

  13.correspond 14.meanwhile 15.split 16.premier 17.outspoken 18.outcome

  19.cure 20.wrestle


  1.________ advance      预先

  2.give ________ 泄露(秘密)

  3.take ________ 接管,接收

  4.make up ________ 弥补,补偿

  5.get ________ 被理解;被传达;把......讲清楚

  6.figure ________ 算出;弄明白

  7.not ________ mention 更不用说;且不说

  8.range from...________... 在......范围内变化

  9.wrestle ________ sth. 努力解决难以处理的问题

  10.come ________ 出来,长出;显露;出版;发芽

  11.go ________ (火或灯光)熄灭

  12.________ mistake 错误地;无意地

  【答案】 1.in 2.away 3.over 4.for 5.across

  6.out 7.to 8.to 9.out 10.out 11.out 12.by


  1.________________ about it.


  2.I was so angry that I walked out,______________ there shocked and white­faced.


3.Before he went on holiday,biologist Alexander Fleming left a dish ________________ in his laboratory.