【创新思维】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案: Module 1 Small Talk Vocabulay The Wrong Kind of Small Talk
【创新思维】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案: Module 1 Small Talk Vocabulay The Wrong Kind of Small Talk第3页

1. 每次我去看他时,他都在忙于学习。

______ _______ I went to see him, he was _______ _______ .

2. 由于不可思议的巧合,我在北京的地铁上遇见了他。

______ ______ _______ _______ , I met with him in the subway in Beijing.

3. 她的父母想劝她打消当歌星的念头。

Her parents tried to __________ her ________ becoming a singer.

4. 比赛因下雨延期。The game was postponed ________ _______ rain.

5. 他预订今晚出发。He _____ _______ ______ ________ this evening.

6. 听到那个消息我感到沮丧。I _______ __________ _______ the news.

7. 我在公共场合说话非常小心。

I am very _________ _____________ _______________ my opinions in public.

VII. 总结,反思,作业:Preview Reading Practice.