优质课《Module5 Unit2 It's too big for you》教案教学设计
优质课《Module5 Unit2 It's too big for you》教案教学设计第2页

 T: Please talk about this bag.

 Ss: It's big and light.

   It's got four wheels.

   It's easy for Lingling.

 T: So the bag is very nice. Do you like it?

 Ss: Yes, I do.

 T: Why? Let's say the adjective words together.

 Ss: Big, light, easy, nice.

 T: It's big for Lingling.

 Ss: It's light for Lingling.

  It's easy for Lingling.

3. Let's practice these words.

T: Look at the picture. What's this?

Ss: It's a black bag. It's heavy.

T: It's heavy for Lingling. We can also say: "It's hard for Lingling."

T: Let's say the words together.

Ss: Big-small, light-heavy, easy-hard, fat-thin ....

Step 2 Lead-in

T: Lingling will be back to China. She has got a new bag. Today she wants to buy a new T-shirt. Amy goes to the shop with her. Did Lingling buy the T-shirt? Let's listen and learn how to give others suggestion.

Step 3 Presentation

A.T: Look at your books, pay attention to the pictures and answer the questions.

Who are they?

Where are they?

What are they doing?

B: T: let's listen to the tape and pay attention to the talking about Lingling, Amy and assistant.

C: T: Listen and answer the questions.

1. What does Lingling want to buy?

2. What can you see on it?

D. T: Listen and repeat.