2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四 专题总结 学案:Unit5 Theme Parks新知预习课
2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四 专题总结 学案:Unit5 Theme Parks新知预习课第2页

close 动词 关闭;结束 形容词 亲密的;亲近的 副词 离......很近,相当于near表具体的概念,多用来修饰由介词引导的短语 名词 结束;终止 closely 副词 (具体含义)离......很近 副词 (抽象含义)亲密地;仔细地;严密地,多修饰动词和过去分词 3. defend/guard/protect

defend:用在军事上,指防御、保卫、抵御或击退外来威胁或攻击;用于非军事意义时指保护、辩护。其宾语可具体可抽象。 guard:指守卫、监视或戒备潜在的危险。 protect:指设置障碍或掩护,以保护某人、某物免遭危害、损失等。常用于抵御风雨、寒冷、烈日、疾病或保护经济、法律权益等。 4. likely/possible/probable


指从外表、迹象上进行判断,有可能发生,既可以用于人也可用物作主语 It is likely that...或sb./sth. is likely to...

possible 指客观上有可能但往往含有希望很小的意味。不能用人作主语 It is possible (for sb.)to do sth.

It is possible that... probable

可能性比possible大表示"很可能、十有八九"也不能用人作主语 It is probable that...,不能用于It is probable (for sb.)to do sth. 5. replace/take the place of /in place of/in place/instead of

replace 最普通用词,指任何形式的替代,尤指以新的替代旧的、老的和坏的等,指人指物均可。Electric lights have replaced candles.

take the place of 动词词组,"替代(职务、工作等)"作"代替"解时,不可将the去掉或改换为one's。Most scientists agree that computers can't completely take the place of humans.

in place of 介词短语"代替",通常后接名词或代词,可与instead of 互换,但instead of sb./sth.可省去介词of及其宾语,而in place of通常不能将其省略

People often use plastics in place of/instead of wood or metal. instead of 是介词短语,意思是"代替,而不是",后接名词、代词宾格、或动名词。

You should take some exercise instead of staying indoors all day long. in place 意为"在适当的位置"。其反义词组为out of place(不在适当的位置;不合适)

Carefully lay each slab in place. 6. at ease/with ease

 at ease舒适;自在(相当于relaxed)

E.g. Only in my home do I feel at ease