2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案:Unit 1 Festivals around the world period 3 教案2
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案:Unit 1 Festivals around the world period 3 教案2第3页

5.1.3 Arrange a quiz about the time of the festivals, with the help of the table of festivals on screen, paying more attention to the festivals celebrated according to lunar calendar. (Better arrange them into groups according to the time to celebrate it).

5.1.4 Ask Ss questions about their familiar festivals, as for, what it celebrates, what people do and when it takes place, guiding the Ss to speak in complete sentences and use the words to be learnt in this unit.

5.1.5 Discuss in groups to work out three more Chinese festivals using the form of warming-up, teacher wandering and guiding Ss to use the words to be learnt in this unit and better speak in complete sentences.

  Do not expect all students have the same answers, and accept any correct information.

5.2 Step II Listening ---Easter

5.2.1 Guide Ss to read and understand the pictures, meanwhile preparing words and expressions for listening.

5.2.2 Listen to the tape for the first time and try to get the main idea.

5.2.3 Listen to the tape for the second time and try to get some specific information.

 5.2.4 Listen to the tape for a third time and get the main ideas about Easter.

5.3 Step III Listening Practice ---Trinidad Carnival

5.3.1 Guide Ss to talk about the pictures, meanwhile preparing words and expressions for listening.

5.3.2 Listening for specific information -信息捕捉 Read questions 1-2 for part 1 first, and then listen to the tape for the information. Take notes while listening. Check the answer and listen again to get complete comprehension. Read questions 3-5 for part 2 first, and then listen to the tape twice for the information. Take notes while listening. Get Ss to discuss the answers and answer the questions in complete sentences. Check the answers and listen again to get complete comprehension, paying attention to the following questions:

①When do people celebrate the Carnival in Trinidad?

②What does it celebrate?

③What do people do in the Carnival?

④What part of the Carnival do you like best -the parade, the music, the clothing people wear, etc?

5.4 Step IV Talking ---Spring Festival

5.4.1 Guide Ss to make a conversation talking about the Spring Festival in China.