Unit8 Is there a post office near here教学设计教案免费下载2
Unit8 Is there a post office near here教学设计教案免费下载2第2页

 First, present the picture my neighborhood again and tell the Ss about it.

I live on Long Street. There's a bank across from my house. But my favorite place is the park. There are many tall trees in the park. I often exercise because I love the clean air there.

Second, ask the Ss to look at the picture carefully and answer the question: How can I get to the park from my house? Ss answer the question and T draw it out in the picture.

 【设计意图】通过具体描述my neighborhood以及提问路径,激活语言和内容图式,为下面的2b语篇阅读做好语言铺垫和准备。

I. Reading

1. Skipping

【过渡】 This is my neighborhood. There are another three students, Anna, John and Lisa. They live in three different neighborhoods. Read the passages quickly and match them with the pictures. Ask: Can you match them together? Why? ( key words)

First, show the pictures of the three students, and show their names, then show the three neighborhoods.


2. Skimming

Now read the 1st passage and answer the questions:

(1) Which place does Anna like to go to?

(2) How can she get there?

Read the 2nd passage and the questions:

(1) Which place does John like to go to?

(2) How can he get there?

 Read the 3rd passage and the questions:

(1) Which place does Lisa like to go to?

(2) How can she get there?

Ask the Ss underline the answers in the books, and T write the key words on the blackboard.


3. Scanning

Let the Ss read the passages carefully and work in groups designing three or four questions for each passage. If necessary, refer to the questions in 3a for help.

(1) What does Anna like doing in the zoo?

(2) Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why?

(3) What does John like to do at the park? Why?

John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so, too? Why or why not? ( The best things in life: clean air, water, neighborhood, sunshine, and health. Ask the Ss to protect our environment.)