优质课《Module6 Unit1 You can play football well》教学设计
优质课《Module6 Unit1 You can play football well》教学设计第5页

 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 3

New text 1. T shows a video,and asks some questions.

2. Lead the Ss to read the new text,let them try to find the answers. 1. Watch the video,and try to understand the meaning of it.

2. Read the text together,try to find the answers to the questions 通过视频,使学生带着兴趣先去整体感知课文,大概理解课文意思.

设置问题加强了学生的探究性学习,使得教学内容具体化和清晰化。 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 4

Practise 1. Shows the pictures of 孙杨、姚明和周杰伦,ask Ss what can they do.

2. 设置调查问卷,ask students to interview their friends, using the new sentences :can you...? 1. Answer questions.

Sun yang can swim well;Yaoming can play basketball well.Zhou can sing well.

2.Interview friends and share the answer 英语句型和单词的操练并不是要求学生机械地重复读背,而是通过多样化的操练活动促进学生理解并运用。将本课所学的单词与句型与真实图片相连,为学生在拓展和运用环节输出语言做好准备。