2018-2019学年度人教版必修六Unit 2 poems-reading教案 (1)
2018-2019学年度人教版必修六Unit 2 poems-reading教案 (1)第2页

Ss: yes

T: It is a kind of art. This time we will learn another kind of art. What is it?

Ss: Poetry.

T: Yes, poetry. From now on, we will begin a mysterious trip of poetry--Unit 4: a garden of poems. Here "poem" means 诗,它是指一首具体的诗。It is a countable noun. We can say "a poem" or "poems". For example, we can say "a love poem". Well, the word "poetry" refers to 诗歌,它是指诗歌的总称。So it is an uncountable noun. Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok. Who are the people that write poems?

Ss: Poet.

T: Yes, we call them poet. Can you name some famous poets in China?

Ss: ......

T: Very good. So many. Now, I'd like to introduce you two of them. Who is he?

 (show a picture of Li Bai on the Blackboard)

Ss: Li Bai.

T: Good. Li Bai. Can you recite any of his poems?

Ss: ......

T: Good job. (show a poem written by Li Bai on slide 1)

So from his poems, we can see that Li Bai is full of imagination, right? His poems are always very romantic. So we say Li Bai is a representative of Romanticism. What about another famous poet? Who is he?

Ss: Du Fu.

T: Yes, you've got it. Do you know any of his poems?

Ss: ......

T: Wonderful, thank you. Compared with Li Bai, most of his poems present us a real life in that period. For example, "朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨" . It tells us the living condition of the people at that time, right?

Ss: Yes