《Unit2 How often do you exercise》教学设计教案25
《Unit2 How often do you exercise》教学设计教案25第3页

 A projector

VI. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greet the class

T: I'll introduce myself first. I'll be your English teacher this term. Do you like English? I hope we'll get along very well. I'm not only your teacher, but can be your friends. We'll be happy together. Now let's begin. This class we'll learn Unit1. How often do you exercise? Please open books at page1.

Step 2 Section A 1a

First look at the picture. Ask a few students to say what they see in the thought bubbles. Each though bubble shows something a person does on weekends.

Then mae each activity. Ask students to repeat each one.

One girl is shopping.

Another girl is reading.

This boy is watching TV.

These girls are skateboarding.

Point out the sample answer. Then ask students to list all the activities in the thought bubbles If they don't know to write the activities, use bilingual dictionaries.

Then ask the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board.

Check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own activities.

Step 3

Display a large calendar that shows the days of the week. Tell students Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. Ask students to repeat Weekend.

Then show three new words.

How often 多久一次 Hardly adv. 几乎不;几乎没有 Ever adv 曾;曾经

Step 4 1c Pairwork

First ask two students to read the sample in speech bubbles.

What do you usually do on weekends?

I often go to the movies.

Now work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture. For example.

Step 5 Summary

This class we've learnt some names of activities: watching TV, reading, skateboarding, exercising, shopping. And we also leant some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never.

Step 6 Homework

Now homework: keep a weekend dairy showing what you do on weekend. You can write down they do from the time you get up until you go to sleep.

Step 7 Blackboard Design

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Watching TV reading Skateboarding exercising Shopping

What does she usually do on weekends?

She often goes shopping.
