
  B.everybody understands Einstein's scientific ideas

  C.the new view of the universe can be quickly learned by everyone

  D.our ideas about the universe are different today from those in the past because of Einstein

  7.Which of the following statements about Einstein is true?

  A.He achieved more than any other scientists in history.

  B.Our ideas about the universe differ from one another because of him.

  C.He kept working until peace came in 1918.

  D.His research practically stopped during the First World War.

  8.From the passage we can know that ________.

  A.Germans usually have a high respect for science

  B.Einstein had other interests besides science

  C.Einstein was forced to work again in 1918

  D.Einstein led a quiet life during World War Ⅰ


  Some people want to live a productive and successful life. There are many things for you to do in order to achieve this.1.________ Here are some suggestions on how to successfully reach your goals, both large and small.

  2.________ No matter what stage of life you are in,you should know what you want for your life. Ask yourself questions such as: Do I want to work in this career for the rest of my life?Do I need more education?Do I want to buy a house?What age do I want to retire?How can I have a successful marriage?How can I be a better parent to my kids?

  3.________ You can write down all that you want for your life. But unless you know how to achieve those goals, it will just be a dream. Decide what steps you need to take in order to develop your plans.

  Set large and small goals. Some people set 5 or 10 year goals but leave out the time in­between. It is much easier to reach a large goal if it is divided into smaller ones. Here is an example. 4.________ So what do you do in the meantime?Goal 1 would be to start saving money. Goal 2 might be finding a house plan or researching contractors, etc. Big goals take a lot of time and preparations. So you should also set small goals for you to achieve when setting large ones.

  5.________ Find things to do in your spare time,which will help you reach your goals. Don't waste your time.

  A.It is never too old to learn.

  B.Make good use of your time.

  C.Decide what you want for your life.

  D.Make a plan and then write it down.

  E.You want to build a house in the next 5 years.

  F.And setting and achieving goals is one of them.

  G.Most people want to set a large goal and achieve it in a short time.


  As we all know, reading is ________ (......的关键) the treasure house of knowledge. ________ (由于......的原因) the electric products, such as phones, the Internet, people rely more on them. Unfortunately, fewer and fewer people ________ (对......感兴趣) reading. More famous scientists were ________ (引进) to find out a solution to this problem. Many of them ____________ (提出) all kinds of suggestions at the meeting. People can be ________ (转变成) open minded ones by reading more. We ________ (计算) that the number will __________ (上升......) 60%.



  Ⅰ.1.figure 2.breakthrough 3.nickname

  4.support 5.exports 6.breeding

  7.Production 8.agricultural 9.education 10.original

Ⅱ.1.be brought up 2.as a result of 3.in support of 4.figure out 5.led to 6.in quantity