
  longest 30 seconds of your life.

  For most of us,skydiving is something we only see in the movies,but a growing number of adventurers are taking the plunge.Obviously skydiving isn't something you can just try,like fishing or bowling.So,if you want to attempt the sport,you'll need to go to ground school.

  Ground school is where you learn to jump,without leaving the ground.The course is taught by licensed skydiving instructors who have been jumping for years.

  They'll teach you how to keep your body position stable.You'll also learn to be constantly aware of your altitude and,most importantly,when to open your parachute.

  Once you're through with ground school,it's time to get up in the air.However,a new jumper never jumps alone.Two instructors always jump with the person,ready to pull the student's parachute open if he or she freezes up.

  No doubt,you're thinking skydiving is a dangerous sport.It certainly seems dangerous when you' re watching someone fall at 200 km/hr.But,if you believe the statistics,skydiving is actually safer than driving,with one fatality (死亡) occurring in approximately 60,000 jumps.Moreover,most enthusiasts agree all fear stops the second your feet leave the plane,and when you land,the only thought in your mind is,"Wow!I want to do that again!"

  5.As a whole,the first paragraph is________.

  A.informative B.descriptive

  C.instructive D.persuasive

  6.The underlined phrase "taking the plunge" (in Paragraph 2) probably means________.

  A.avoiding doing something important

  B.starting to talk about something

  C.deciding to do something risky

  D.thinking about something first

  7.What can we learn from this passage?

  A.Skydiving is an extremely dangerous sport.

  B.New jumpers can jump alone at ground school.

  C.New jumpers possibly fail to open the parachute.

  D.Skydiving instructors teach you how to make the parachute.

  8.The best title for this passage would be________.

  A.Skydiving,an Extreme Sport

  B.Ground School for Skydiving

  C.Instructors Teaching Skydiving

  D.Enthusiasts for Skydiving


  1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D


  1.C 2.F 3.E 4.D 5.G


  1.D 句意为:他很担心,因为他丢了装有护照、身份证和许多钱的包。contain表示"装有"与bag构成逻辑上的主动关系,因此用containing,作后置定语修饰bag。

  2.C 根据句意应填入"想出"这一意思的短语。put up举起,支起,think后加of/out表示"想出,想到",come up with想到,turn up出现,故选C项。

  3.D 根据句意和句子结构可知you为主语,与compare之间是主动关系,因此用现在分词作状语,compare作"比较"之意时为及物动词,可排除A、B两项。

  4.D 句意为:探险家们被告知他们自己要准备好探险所需要的所有设备。equip...with用......装备......,associate...with...与......有联系,connect...with...将......与......连在一起,relate要与to搭配。

  5.A consist of意为"由......组成",不用于被动语态,意思相当于be made up of。句意为"我们都知道成功由三个重要因素组成:天分、勤奋加上运气"。

6.B 首先根据句意the new curriculum与design之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动