七上英语《Unit4 Where's my schoolbag》教学设计教案免费下载48
七上英语《Unit4 Where's my schoolbag》教学设计教案免费下载48第4页

  a. Now, let's guess where the things are.

  b. Students work in pairs. Student A covers the picture in 2b. Ask about where the things are in the picture. Student B answers the questions.

  c. I would like to give you an example with one of you.

  Example: T: Is the pencil case on the sofa?

      S: No, it isn't. It's under the sofa.

  d. You two change the role after making one conversation and then practice again.

  Step 7: Section A 2d

  Role-play the conversation. Show a picture of a room, give the students one minute to look at it, and then ask them what kind of things they saw and where the things are. Have a competition among groups. See which group can remember all the things and places.

Step 8: Summarize

  Let's summarize what we learnt in this period.

Step 9: Homework

  1.Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in grammar box.

  2.Read the typescript of activity 2a and 2b.


The 2nd period of Class: Section A (Grammar focus - 3c)

Teaching aims(教学目标)



Language points(语言点)

1. 熟练运用Where问句和一般疑问句及其回答。



一般疑问句Is it...? Are they...?的回答。

Teaching steps :

  Lead in:

  What did we learn yesterday? Who can tell us? Yes. Yesterday we got to know some school things and ask where they are. Do you still remember how to say them? OK. Let's review them first.

  Step 1: Revision

  1.Ask and answer

  a. Would you please translate my words into English? 桌子、棒球······

  b. Who would like to make conversations with "where" questions according to the pictures in PPT?


  Please take out your dictation exercise books and let's have a dictation.

  Step 2: Grammar Focus


  Read the sentences in grammar box.

  2.Point out the notes


  on, in, under的用法;

