2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4练习学案:Unit 11课时跟踪练(五) Lesson 4
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4练习学案:Unit 11课时跟踪练(五) Lesson 4第2页

  a real man.

  2.In_conclusion,_walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.

  3.Nine people died on_the_scene and one more person died in hospital in the car crash.

  4.Please give him lots of love instead of high expectations; otherwise he will be_loaded_with great pressure.

  5.I have warned her to keep_away_from violent scenes.

  6.Rather than stand by, I would help_him_out when he was in trouble.

  7.Please don't get in_the_way,_for I have much work to do.

  8.According_to the data, we know the product is popular now.

  9.A truck went out of control and crashed_into the back of a car.

  10.We got_stuck_in a storm for several days; in those seven days, I only got out of my tent for one time.


  According to a research published by Leeds University, people don't mind bad language on television as long as it is not used in programmes 1.watched (watch) by children. The study showed there was "amazing agreement" about when bad language was serious and 2.when it was not. But some people found the use of drugs in the film 3.more_worrying (worry) than the bad language. People who were asked to comment 4.on scenes on screen made a distinction between bad language used in programmes for adults, and those 5.meant (mean) for children.

  More than 30 6.astronomers (astronomer) had an accident on a sightseeing trip to the museum of science, 7.which took place in Kingston, a town southwest of London. Because of the fog, the driver of a greengrocer's truck did not know that he was parked in the way of the trolleybus. At the last minute before the trolleybus crashed into the truck, he jumped out of the truck, 8.hurting (hurt) his ankle. He said he would have been killed if he 9.had_stayed (stay) in the truck. A spokesman praised the 10.bravery (brave) of the astronomers.


  在高考之后,老师邀请了一部分毕业生来就学习方面给我们一些建议。被大学录取(be admitted into)的学生们得出的结论(conclude)是,当他们把一切都考虑在内(take ... into consideration),他们发现勤奋和正确的方法才是成功的关键。遗憾的是,他们的许多同学过于担心考试结果而使自己沮丧。在他们看来,只要(as long as)我们卸下压力的重担(download the load),我们便会感到轻松并集中注意力(concentrate on)与学习。这样(in this way)我们一定能在学习上取得巨大进步。
