免费下载原创《Module3 Unit1 The sun is shining》教学设计
免费下载原创《Module3 Unit1 The sun is shining》教学设计第4页

StepⅢ Text-teaching

1、Listen to the tape about the letter.

Answer the questions:

   ⑴ Who writes this letter?

   ⑵ Did he have a funny day on Saturday?

   ⑶ What did they do?

   ⑷ What is he sending?

注意一下everyone 的读法。

T: Daming had a picnic in the park on Saturday, and he sent some photos to us. Let's look at them!

2、教师展示picture 1

T: In picture 1. What can you see in this picture?

Ss: I can see a lady, two boys, some birds and ducks, a tree, and the sun.

T: So good! This boy is Daming, and that boy is Simon. Look! What are they doing?

As the picture as ask:

What's the weather like?

What are those birds doing in the tree?

What are the people doing?

What are the ducks doing?

T: Then, we will listen to the tape and know about other photos.

3、 Play the tape and have the students listen.

Answer the questions:

What's the weather like?

Where are they?

What are the ducks doing?

  展示出Picture2、Picture 3.

4、听录音并跟读。 StepⅣ Consolidation

1、 Play a game:

  一组同学上前扮模特,做出各种动作,如踢球、吃东西等等,另一人扮作记者对全班同学随机采访,用What is she/he doing? What are they doing? 也可采访模特本人:What are you doing?

2、 activity 3



Dear Lily,

How are you? It is Sunday today. The sun is __________. _________ is at home. My father is __________ a cake. My mother is __________her housework. My brothers are __________ watermelons. My sister is __________, and I am __________some photos to you.

