2018--2019学年译林版必修5 Unit 2 The environment Word power教案
2018--2019学年译林版必修5 Unit 2 The environment Word power教案第2页

Now, please try to find as many words about environment protection

For example:

ecotourists, ecosystem, ecoville, eco-friendly, ecoville

Can you guess the meanings of all these words with "eco". The prefix 'eco- ' comes from Greek and means 'earth'. It is used in many words to talk about the environment, such as 'ecology' and 'eco-tourism'. Write six words that include the prefix 'eco- '. Use your dictionary if you need to.

ecofriendly, eco-travel, eco-trip, ecotourists, ecoville, ecosystem

Now let's do more practice.

The prefix 'bio- ' means 'life'. Write six words that include the prefix 'bio- '. Use your dictionary if you need to.

biology biochemist biologist biophysics biosphere biotechnology

The prefix 'astro- ' means 'star'. Write six words that include the prefix 'astro- '. Use your dictionary if you need to.

astronaut astronomical astrology astrophysics astronomer astrologer

Step III: Learn some words and phrases about things that are bad for the environment.

When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures.

Clear-cut logging opencast mining

slash and burn farming ozone layer

acid rain global warming

Step IV: competition

We have learned a lot of words and phrases about environmental preservation. Look at the following pictures and try to use as many words and expressions on environment as you can

I will divide you into two groups. The group which has more ideas will be the winner.

First of all, I'll give you an example. Look at the picture on the screen. Then the phrases about it.