2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 language grammar学案
2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 language grammar学案第3页

  说明先行词内容的同位语从句的引导词where, when与被说明的名词在概念上不一致。但引导定语从句的引导词却必须保持一致。是比较:

  Then arose the question ____ we were to get so much money. (答案为A)

  This the house ____ the great man Mao Zedong was born 110 years ago.

  A. where B. that C. about which D. in which (答案为A/D)



1. Can you make sure ________ the gold ring?

  A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put

  C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put

2. You can't imagine __________ when they received these nice Christmas gifts.

A. how they were excited B. how excited they were

C. how excited were they D. they were how excited

3. Word has came __________ some American guests will come for a visit.

A. what B. that C. whether D. when

4. We all agree with him on __________ he said.

A. what B. that C. why D. how

5. The reason I plan to go is __________ if I don't.

A. what she will have a disappointment B. that she will be disappointed

C. because she will be disappointed D. on account of she will be disappointed

6. ______ she will come to Beijing is not known yet.

A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That

7. Could you tell me ________ it snows in winter in Australia?

A. if B. whether C. that D. either A or B

8. What the doctors really doubt is _______ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.

A. when B. how C. whether D. if

9. These pictures are so special that I would do _______ I can to save them.

A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever