

编写时间: 2015年 月 日 总第21课时

课 题 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 课 型   新授课


技能 1. 阅读短文,能按要求获取相关的信息。

2. 通过阅读训练来提高学生们的阅读能力。 过程

方法 Repeating listening practicing role playing 情感



观 让学生明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,培养学生积极向上的心态。


重点 1.掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。

2.阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。 教学

难点 1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。

2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。 教学内容及教师活动 二次修改 Section A 2 (3a-3c)

Ⅰ. Warming up

展示一张Candy Wang的照片,并询问学生们如下问题。

1. Who's beautiful and outgoing girl? She's the famous singer Candy Wang.

2. Can you guess what she was like?

Yeah, she used to be very shy.

3. Do you want to know her story?

II. Reading

Work on 3a

1. Tell Ss to read the article and identify the paragraphs in which the following information appears. Number the information [1-3].

 Ss read the article quickly and try to number the information.

III. Careful Reading

1. Read the first passage again and answer these questions:

 1) How old is Candy Wang?

 2) What was she like?

Ss try to read and find the answers to these questions.

Then check the answers with the Ss

2. Read the second passage and fill in the chart.

Check the answers with the Ss:

3. Read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks.

IV. Careful Reading

1. Work on 3b:

1. 学生们再次阅读短文内容,并完成3b中的内容。

2. 学生们先读3b中的四个句子,理解其大意,然后仔细回读短文,找到相关信息,并完成句子。

3. Finish the following sentences.

1. 我采访二十四岁的亚洲流行歌手茜拉。

I ____________ _____________ Asian pop star Shila.

2. 她从事歌唱来解决她的害羞问题。

She ____ ____ singing to _____ _____ her shyness.


1. Read the passage several times after school.

2. Make sentences with these words.

interview; deal with; dare to...; not...any more; require; used to