八下英语Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents教案下载8
八下英语Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents教案下载8第3页

B: ...

A: Why don't you/ Why not ...?

B: I did, but ...


A: Maybe you should.../ I guess you should ...

B: That's a good idea. I'll ... Thank you very much.

1. Explain: too many &too much

too much housework too many problems

    too much time too many cars

    too much fruit too many homeless people

too much 修饰不可数名词

too many 修饰可数名词

    Step 4:Listening

1. Show a picture of Peter and ask: What's wrong with

Peter? (He had a fight with his best friend.) Then ask students to give Peter advice. (He could/should ... so that he can say he is sorry.)

2. Have students listen and fill in the blanks with "should" or


3. Make students listen again and finish 2b.

4. Ask students listen the third time and make a summary.

Peter __________ with his best friend. He could write him a letter. But he isn't ______ writing letters. He should call him up, but he doesn't want to talk about it on the ______. He should talk to him __________ he can say he's sorry but it's not easy. He should go to his house but he doesn't want to _______ him. He could take him to the __________, but he doesn't want to wait that long.

5. Have students read after the tape and make a similar dialogue.