2018-2019学年牛津译林版高一英语必修1教案精品教案Unit1 School life《Reading》教案4
2018-2019学年牛津译林版高一英语必修1教案精品教案Unit1 School life《Reading》教案4第3页

Step 3 Listening and Consolidation

T: Now Let's listen to the tape. You may follow it while listening, and please pay attention to your pronunciation.

(The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen. After that the teacher gives the students a few minutes to read aloud the passage. Meanwhile, the teacher asks the students to try to remember some details.)

 T: Please turn to Page 5.Let's do Exercise E.

Step 4 Discussion

T: Now you've known much about Wei Hua's school life in the UK. From the text we know that they have a variety of subjects to choose from. You may be quite puzzled whether it is necessary for senior students to learn some of them, such as so many languages and woodwork. Here let's have a discussion:

 Should students learn more languages? Why or why not?

  What subjects would you like to take if you could choose? Why?

T: Use the conversation below as an example:

A: What subjects do you like best and least?

B:I really enjoy Woodwork and Art classes, because I like making things, but I 'm not very good at History.

A:I like English and Chinese best. Do you think we should learn more foreign languages?

Perhaps we should learn....

Step5 Summary and Homework

T: Today we've learned a text about Wei Hua's experience in the UK. First we learned some reading strategies: skimming and scanning. Master these and put them into use in future while reading. Through reading we know there are many differences both in the timetable and in the curriculum. Read the passage after class and get familiar with these language points. Have a further discussion with your partners about the topic in Part F. 教学后记