2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修8练习学案:Unit 23 课下能力提升(五)
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修8练习学案:Unit 23 课下能力提升(五)第2页

  driven mad 3.________ (expose) to such noise. Since they moved into the building, they have 4.________ (rare) got a full night's sleep. They even couldn't get 5.________ (relax) or read without plugging their ears. Moreover, one neighbour thinks Yang is 6.________ alcoholic and had a bad influence 7.________ his son. Finally, the local council took action. Yang Ming had to leave his 8.________ (furnish) apartment. His 9.________ (depart) has made his neighbours' life return 10.________ normal.


  Living in a community made up of various races is a rewarding (有益的) and an exciting experience. Such a community is like a small __1__ with many life types and races in it.

  We usually __2__ about the customs, cultures and __3__ of people who do not belong to our race through books and newspapers, but when we live in a community __4__ many races, we have the __5__ to meet and talk with people of various races. We can learn about the customs and beliefs __6__ from them. In this way, we have a better __7__ about their ways of life. For example, in Singapore, which is __8__ as a multiracial (多民族的) country, Chinese, Malays, Indians and others live together. They've learned a lot about the cultures and beliefs of other races. They've also __9__ others' customs to their benefits.

  __10__, living in a multiracial community teaches us how to __11__ the views and beliefs of other races. We learn to be __12__, to understand and appreciate those who do not belong to our race. We learn how to live in __13__ and harmony with those whose ways of life are different from ours.

  The __14__ that develops among the people from the common understanding in it makes life very __15__. The celebration of any race becomes a(n) __16__ of all the races. Thus, there is a lot of fun and excitement in every celebration. In this way, better understanding is __17__ among the peoples. Through such daily communication, we __18__ to know about respective (各自的) countries. For example, through __19__ in Singapore, we have learned much about China. As a result, we have a better understanding of the Chinese __20__.

  1.A.world   B.family

  C.country D.continent

  2.A.talk B.know

  C.hear D.describe

  3.A.names B.diets

  C.beliefs D.hobbies

  4.A.contributed to B.satisfied with

  C.developed into D.composed of

  5.A.desire B.right

C.interest D.opportunity