【名师指导】2018-2019学年牛津译林版 高一英语必修一教案Unit 3Section Ⅳ Task
【名师指导】2018-2019学年牛津译林版 高一英语必修一教案Unit 3Section Ⅳ Task第3页


  1.The passage mainly refers to the fact that .

  A.many developed nations are now concerned about saving nature rather than developing or destroying it

  B.many poor nations must focus on meeting the everyday needs of their people

  C.humans are not really profiting when they damage the environment

  D.humans can only enjoy healthy and productive lives by protecting nature

  2."Not everything that is best for nature is good for people" means " ".

  A.we prefer to suffer rather than use nature to meet our own needs

  B.benefiting from nature may spell disaster

  C.if we focus only on environment conservation,people may suffer

  D.a clean environment benefits people

  3.The author thinks .

  A.technology and mankind are destroying nature

  B.it was people's carelessness that affected nature

  C.people must defeat nature to enjoy good lives

  D.poor nations have to destroy nature to survive

  4.From the passage we learn .

  A.overdeveloping the Earth's resources eventually will destroy the planet we live on

  B.developed nations are now only concerned about saving nature

  C.the relation with nature is humans winning and nature losing

  D.we have to stop development in favour of nature

  【答案】 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A


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