2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4练习学案:Unit 12课时跟踪练(三) Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 — Pre-reading
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4练习学案:Unit 12课时跟踪练(三) Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 — Pre-reading第3页

  They are generally more distant than North and South Americans and Southern Europeans, and may not appear to be as open or friendly at the beginning. Friendships take longer to build; however, once established they tend to be deep and may last over time and distance.


  5.When you do something rude to the British, the will ________.

  A.fight back       B.give a smile

  C.remain calm D.look at you angrily

  解析:选C 细节理解题。由第二段"If you have insulted (冒犯) someone, their facial expression may not change."可知,即使受到挑衅,英国人的面部表情也不会发生变化。

  6.Which of the following is TRUE about the British?

  A.They use a lot of body language.

  B.They value their privacy greatly.

  C.They don't have strong emotions.

  D.They are not good at making friends.

  解析:选B 细节理解题。由第三段"They expect others to respect their privacy."可知,英国人很注重隐私。

  7.What can be the best title for the text?

  A.The stiff upper lip of the British

  B.Privacy of the British

  C.The British attitude in adversity

  D.The British way of communication

  解析:选A 标题归纳题。文章主要说明英国人的矜持和不动声色,因此用"英国人紧绷的上嘴唇"最能体现文章主题。


  The Gold Coast family holidays are always great fun whether you are from Australia or from abroad. There are beautiful beaches, adventure parks, nature parks and so much more.

  There are so many sights to see here. It is a pity to drive a car and you'll miss a great part of it. Australia is home to many animals and birds that can only be seen when moving slowly and going into the areas where they live.

When you are on a bicycle, you have the advantage of