免费下载《Module2 Unit1 When are we going to eat》教案
免费下载《Module2 Unit1 When are we going to eat》教案第2页

S: They are going to have a picnic.

T: Do they have a good picnic?

T: ok, let's talk about the picnic.

2. 解析课文

Listen part 1 and ask :

T: What time is it now ? And when are they going to eat?

S:At half past twelve.( 师课件出示12点和12点半的图片并进行领读和拼读记忆)

T: From half past eleven to half past twelve , what are they going to do ?

S: They are going to have a picnic.

T: What's the weather going to be like ?

S: It's going to rain .(引导学生用It's going to rain ,并板书)xKb 1 .C m

T:But Simon's mum says: It's a beautiful day. And what are they going to see ?

S: They are going to see some ducks.

T: You listen, what are the ducks like ?

S: They are ... ( 师板书lovely,并领读、拼读、记忆)

T: Look at part2 , What's happening ? listen!

S: It's raining.

T: Where are they going ?

S: They are going over there.

T: look at the ducks , they are eating their picnic.

We know it's raining now , so their food is wet

How is their picnic ? Do you think they have a good picnic? Why ?


1. 课件出示文中的生词

2. 师领读,优生领读,小组内互读,互相拼读,检查记忆

五.Read the text

1. listen and repeat the text.(跟读,注意语音语调的模仿)

2. 小组内互读,注意相互纠错。

3. 小组内分角色朗读课文。



