【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Grammar and usage
【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Grammar and usage第2页

(1) Find out the object of the sentence and use it as the subject of the sentence with the passive voice.

(2) Decide the tense of the sentence and use the related form of its passive.

(3) If necessary, use "by" to join the former subject, which should be put into its object form.

1. Ask students when we use the passive voice. Ask them to read Point 3 on page 48 to find the answer. And give them the following sentences as examples:

(1) 不知道或没必要指出动作的执行者。

Many houses will be built here.

(2) 强调动作的承受者。

The song "The East is Red" was written by a poor peasant.

(3) 动作的执行者有较长的修饰语。

The plan was supported by those who wished to have more chances to speak English.

(4) 出于礼貌,不愿意说出动作的执行者。

You are requested to attend the meeting.

2. Ask students to read Point 3 and 4 on page 48 carefully and complete the following practice.

Change the following sentences into the passive voice:

(1) All of us like her.

(2) We are discussing the question.

(3) We have put off the meeting.

(4) I will develop my picture next week.


(1) She is liked by all of us.

(2) The question is being discussed.

(3) The meeting has been put off.

(4) My picture will be developed next week.

Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given:

(1) I ___________(give) a new book by my father on my birthday.

(2) English ___________(find) very useful.

(3) The work ______________(finish) tomorrow.

(4) The flowers ______________(water) by them now.

(5) The railway ________________ (build) this time last year.

(6) The new way _______ already _________ (build).

(7) The new railway ___________ (build) by the end of last year.

(8) He told me the sports meeting ____________(hold) the next month.

(9) Rice ___________(grow) in the south of the States.


(1) was given (2) is found (3) will be finished (4) are being watered (5) was being built (6) has been built (7) had been built (8) would be held (9) is grown

Ask students to read the four pieces of information about the top four exhibits on page and underline the sentences that can be changed into passive voice. Ask students to complete