【名师指导】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5探究学案:Module1 British and American English(Period6)
【名师指导】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5探究学案:Module1 British and American English(Period6)第2页

4)He picked up some bad habits while playing the piano.( )

5)He picked up some French when he was in Paris.( )

6)Trade usually picks up in the spring.( )

3. wear off v.逐渐减弱,消失,磨损,耗损

Time and weather have worn off the name on the gravestone.


The effects of the drug will soon __________(消失).

4. thanks to

1) It was _______________________(多亏他的忠告) that I succeeded.

2) _________________________(多亏他的努力), it is more successful than we have expected.

5. suggest v _____________n 建议 提出一个建议_____________________

1) His large house ______________(表明他很富有).

2) He suggested ___________________________________(推迟会议).

3) Jane's pale face suggested that _____________(她生病了), and her parents suggested that ________________________________________(她做一下医学检查).

6. 分词与不定式做状语

1) European football is played in over 80 countries,



2) His uncle died, ___________________________________________( 给他留下一大笔财产).

3) He hurried to the station, _______________________________(结果却发现火车已开走了).

6. criticize

用 criticize, critic, critical, criticism 填空。

1) Your decision is __________ to our future.

2) His father is a music _________.

3) The government has been _____ for not taking the problem seriously.

4) The plan has attracted __________ from consumer groups.

5) The manager of the company is very __________.

7. refer to... as_______________ refer to_____________________________

a reference book_______________-

1) 学生们把他们的老师当做朋友。


2) He ___________ ( 参考 ) his notes now and then at the meeting.

3) Students should _________( 查询 ) a dictionary as often as possible.

4.)When I said some students were lazy, I wasn't _______________(指的是)you.

5.)The book __________________(提及)just now is of great help.

step 3:翻译句子:

1.He felt that written English in the newly independent United States should have a distinctive "American" look.

2. By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year, making it one of the most