2018学年度人教版选修8Unit 5 Meeting your ancestorsPeriod5Using language教案设计(8页word版)
2018学年度人教版选修8Unit 5 Meeting your ancestorsPeriod5Using language教案设计(8页word版)第4页

  an isolated island long after Homo Sapiens had migrated through the South Pacific region. Homo sapiens and the Hobbits lived on the same island for at least 20,000 years and surely would have made contact with each other.

  These Hobbits hunted pony-sized elephants and rats as big as dogs and battled Komodo dragons with saliva laced tongues with deadly bacteria. The island was a part of the Malay Archipelago, a string of mysterious tropical islands, home to orangutans, giant turtles, and rare birds and apparently...hobbits.

  The locals on Flores Island talk of a small hairy human-like animal; they call Ebu Gogo. The legends relating to the Ebu Gogo are somewhat detailed and may represent a folk memory of a previous inhabitant. It is held by the people of Flores that the Ebu Gogo were alive when the Dutch arrived 300 years ago and some say that they survived as recently as 100 years ago but are now no longer seen. So that leads us to the question...do hobbits still exist? With hundreds of similar islands in the Malay Archipelago it seems that it is quite possible that we are not alone on this earth.

5. Speaking and writing about Sanxingdui

Now turn to page 44. Look at these photos. They are about the site of Sanxingdui.

Where is the site of Sanxingdui?