2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修3教案(内蒙古专用):Unit 2 Healthy eating2
2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修3教案(内蒙古专用):Unit 2 Healthy eating2第2页

I suggest that you. . .

I would strongly advise you to. . .

It might be a good idea to. . .

1. Suppose the situation: Imagine you are planning to open a restaurant which will provide the best local dishes in your area and a balanced diet. In groups discuss how to run the business.

2. Give them enough time for their discussion and giving each other suggestions and advice.

3. Ask as many students as possible to present their dialogues to the class.

III. Writing

Ask students to write a short passage to advertise their restaurant and its service.

1. Give them the following hints to help. Show the following on the screen. Your writing should:

1) explain what kind of food will be offered in your restaurant

2) describe their ingredients, flavor, smell and appearance

3) explain how they will provide a balanced diet

4) explain why your restaurant will provide the best food in the area

5) explain how customers will be served

2. Ask students to do their writing.

3. Let some of them read their writing to the class. Others should give comments.

IV. Speaking task

1. Ask students to read the following expressions aloud make sure they understand them.

I'm not sure that!

You could be right, but. . . (I'm afraid)

I don't agree.