《Unit2 How often do you exercise》教学设计教案14
《Unit2 How often do you exercise》教学设计教案14第5页

4 .Let's play game

Each group has a task.Group 1 writes the name of our classmates ,group 2 writes the activities,group 3 write the adverbs of frequency and group 4 write the places .

Then,ask the Ss make the sentences with them.

Step 7 Summary

This class we'v learnt some frequency words,such as always ,usually , often , sometimes ,hardly ever ,never... And we can use them to talk about the daily activities and we can cultivate and distinguish good behavior.I hope everyone keeps healthy !

Step 8 Homework

1 .Talk about your daily activities with adverbs of frequency .

2 .Preview the other adverbs of frequency in Section A 2a .

Blackboard Design

Unit 2 How often do you exercise ?

Listening and Speaking

Adverbs of Frequency :

always ,usually , often , sometimes ,hardly ever ,never.

--What do/does you/she do on weekends ?