Unit1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday 教案教学设计
Unit1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday 教案教学设计第2页

学情分析 学生已掌握了什么 在第六模块中学生对一般过去时有了一些了解 学生还未掌握什么 不能用英语讲述过去发生的故事 重点 能用一般过去时讲解过去发生的事情 难点 能用一般过去时讲解过去发生的事情 方法手段 点读笔 挂图 单词卡 小组对话 课文复述 教学流程

Step1. Warm-upT:Good morning, girls and boys.

        Ss: Good morning, Ms Chen.

        Fast reading(5mins)

Step2.Listen to the tape.

教师放录音,学生听课文。回答问题: What did it buy on the earth?

A T-shirt

并了解for 的用法。


Listen to the e-pen for the 1 time and answer "What did Simon's mum buy for Daming? "

Listen to the e-pen for the 2 time and answer "What's it about? What did they learn? "

Listen to the e-pen for the 3time and check answers

Do more oral exercises and the activity book.


Do exercises in this unit


Talk about what we have learnt today

