新人教版英语必修4 :Unit3 单元重点辅导
新人教版英语必修4 :Unit3 单元重点辅导第5页

 The bus bumped into the car in front.巴士撞上了前面那辆汽车。

8. in search of 寻找,寻求

They came here in search of new markets for their products. 他们来此为他们的产品寻找新市场。

They started off at once in search of (=in their search for) the missing girl. 他们立刻动身寻找那个失踪的女孩。


9. be/get caught in a rain / traffic jam遇上雨/交通阻塞

We got caught in the storm. 我们碰上暴雨了。

Caught in a rain, he was wet all over. 淋到了一场雨,他全身都湿了。

I was caught in the traffic jam. That's why I was late. 我遇上阻车了,这就是我迟到的原因。

10. as if = as though 好像 似乎

as if 引导状语或表语从句时,从句内容若是事实用陈述语气,若不是事实就用虚拟语气(be一般用were)。如:

She talked to me in such a way as if we were sisters. 她那样对我说话,就好像我们是姐妹一样。

He opened his mouth as if (he was) to speak. 他张开嘴好像要说话。


1. all(指事物)+定语从句

指事物的all后只能由that引导定语从句;all后接定语从句时常常有这样两个意思:the only thing或everything.如:

...and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. 身边所有能吃的东西只是一只煮了的鞋子。

He took all there was. 他把所械亩寄萌チ恕?/P>

All I want is peace and quiet. 我所要的只是安宁。

2. I will be better off if...要是......我的境况就更好了。