2011届高考英语一轮复习精品学案:Unit 22 A world of fun(新人教)
2011届高考英语一轮复习精品学案:Unit 22 A world of fun(新人教)第2页


was thrilled

(were) thrilled

thrilled us


I'm thrilled that I passed the exam.

考点3. educate vt. & vi. 教育;培养;训练

A good example of a theme park that both educates and entertains is Ocean Park in Hong Kong.

West Point is a four year school in New York State that educates future army officers.


educate vt. & vi. 教育;教导

educate vt. 培养, 训练;送......上学, 为......付学费

educator n. 教育家

receive a good education 获得良好教育


graduate vt. & vi.& n. 毕业;大学毕业生;研究生

graduation n. 毕业;毕业典礼

(1)The public ____________________(应受教育)in how to use

energy more effectively.

(2)I was __________(教育)for the law.

should be educated


(3)The writer _____________ (受教育)at a very good school.

(4)She has had __________________(良好的教育).



考点4. divide vt. & vi. 分;划分;隔离

The park is divided into two sections.

A large house has been divided into apartments.


divide vt. 分;划分;隔离

divide vt. 使意见不合;使不和

divide ...into/in 分开;划分

divided by 除

divided adj. 分开的

undivided adj. 未分的

(1)She ___________(分成)the food into four equal shares.