2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案: Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 2
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案: Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 2第2页

(2)vt.&vi.to bear (oneself) in a socially accepted or polite way举止适当或有礼

你应该学会举止得体。You should __________.

【keys】 (learn to behave)

(3)vi.(of things) to act in a particular way



My camera __________ since it was repaired.

【keys】 (has been behaving well)

2.This means going back to a place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before.



百闻不如一见。Seeing is believing.

他喜欢在余暇听音乐。He __________ (enjoys listening to music) in his spare time.

他现在正在游泳池里练习游泳。He __________ in the swimming pool now.(is practicing swimming)

3.But the evening makes it all worthwhile.


worthwhile adj.值得的 可作定语和表语

a worthwhile experiment/job

The experiment is worthwhile.

It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.

It is worthwhile to do the job/ doing the job.

比较worth prep./n.

be worth (doing) sth.常主动表被动


The book is _________.

【keys】 (well worth reading)

= It is worthwhile to read the book.


be worthy of doing sth.