优质课《Module7 Unit1 I helped Mum》教案教学设计免费下载
优质课《Module7 Unit1 I helped Mum》教案教学设计免费下载第3页


Step2.Lead in

T:I was fat,but now I'm thin.Too fat is bad for our health.We should go out and do some exercises.Look ,they went out yesterday.Because yesterday was a holiday for them. It was a beautiful day.Let's listen :What did they do yesterday?


T: What did they do yesterday?

S:They rowed a boat on the lake.(引导学生回答)


Step 3.Learn the story.


1.Listen,point and answer(带着问题第一次整体感知课文)

What did Amy do yesterday?

引导学生答出:She cooked noodles.

She helped Mum.

She washed clothes.

2.Listen,point and answer(带着问题第二次整体感知课文)

What did Sam and Tom do yesterday?

引导学生答出:He didn't help Mum.

He played on the computer.