Unit11 How was your school trip教学设计教案免费下载20
Unit11 How was your school trip教学设计教案免费下载20第3页

Q: Did he milk a cow?

A: Yes, he did. He milked a cow.

Q: Did he ride a horse?

A: No, he didn't.

Q: Did you see any cows?

A: Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.


Step 3 Exercises (课堂操练)

1. T: Do you remember the patterns?

 OK! Let's practice about the sentence. Look at the pictures and practice the dialogue .Ask and answer like this.

A: Did you ride a horse?

B: No, I didn't.

A: What did you do on the school trip?

B: I went for a walk with my classmates.


2. Have you finished? Who can have a try. OK! Excellent. You've done a good job.

[设计意图] 课件展示各种动词短语的图片(喂鸡、散步、照相、挤奶、骑马、和农民交谈、摘草莓),让学生操练本堂课的新句型,并鼓励学生创新。


Step 4 Consolidation. (巩固新知)

1. 2d Role-play the conversation。(先分组讨论,再分角色扮演)

[设计意图] 由于本对话中的所有句型,在之前都进行了口头操练,学生已基本掌握,所以虽说是新对话,但对学生来说,一点都不觉得陌生,更谈不上有难度,所以在这个对话中,我让学生他们自己先讨论,再分角色扮演,真正做到"把