免费下载五年级上册外研版英语《Module8 Unit2》教学设计教案
免费下载五年级上册外研版英语《Module8 Unit2》教学设计教案第2页

Ss: Amy's house is near the school School starts at nine o'clock.

So she always wants to walk She can play with friend and talk.

T:展示单词always. read after me, always, always.(大小声操练)

Ss: always, always.

T: always means 总是,一直. Do you know?

Ss: Yes.

T: Once more.

Ss: Amy's house is near the school School starts at nine o'clock.

So she always wants to walk She can play with friend and talk.

Step 3. Presentation 教学步骤

1.揭示主题:Module8 Unit2 Yesterday I want to Sam and Amy's school

T :Ok. Now, today we are going to learn new lesson. Module8 Unit2 Yesterday I want to Sam and Amy's school .Whole class, follow me .

Ss: Module8 Unit2 Yesterday I want to Sam and Amy's school .

2.Review some words

T: Next ,let's review some words .When you see the word ,you should quickly and loudly say it . Are you ready ?


T :OK! Let's go .

3.Listen and read

T :OK! Now ,let's learn new text. Open you book turn to page 47

T :One more time ,follow it .


15 Marling Street



Dear Doming,

Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy's school.

In the UK they don't start school at eight o'clock. They start at nine