2017--2018学年译林版必修三unit 1 the world of our senses reading学案
2017--2018学年译林版必修三unit 1 the world of our senses reading学案第4页


Part Place Time & weather Person(s) What happened Polly's thought or feeling Part 1 Outside Polly's work place At 4 p.m.;

1. Polly She left work. She 2. if the buses would still be running. Part 2 Bus stop Later Polly;the bus 3. The fog was too 4. for the bus to 5. to King Street where Polly lived. Part 3 In the Underground Later Polly;a tall

man A tall man in a dark overcoat was on the train. She 6. she was being watched. Part 4 In Park Street;at the corner of the street When Polly got to the station entrance;the fog lay like a thick,grey cloud Polly;a man A rough hand 7. her face. Her heart was beating with 8. . Part 5 In the street It was dark. Polly;an old man The old man took her hand and helped her find the way. She wished for someone to come along.Fear held her still;she began to feel 9. again. Part 6 Outside Polly's house at King Street Late that day Polly;the old blind man The old man left to help more people in need. Polly was 10. .