【学无止境】2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案:Unit3:Part One Teaching Design授课案
【学无止境】2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案:Unit3:Part One Teaching Design授课案第2页

  We are going to talk about four persons. Though they are of different nationalities living in different times, they have a lot in common. What are the common things they share? Try to find the answers by discussing each of the four pictures with your group.

Mother Teresa

Who was Mother Teresa? How much do you know about her?

What contributions did Mother Teresa make to people?

When was she awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

Do you think Mother Teresa set a good example for us to follow? Why?

What can you learn from Mother Teresa?

It is reported that after she died, about 400 important figures including queens, presidents, prime ministers and the former First Lady Hillary Clinton came to pay final tribute to her. Do you think she was worth respecting?

Bill Gates

Who is chairman of Microsoft Corporation and the worldwide leader in software?

Do you agree Bill Gates has had a dramatic effect on the world of computer technology? Give your reasons.

What other information have you got about him?

Bill Gates and his wife set up a foundation focusing on improving global health. Is Bill Gates one of your heroes?


What would our world be like if we had no music?

How about listening to a piece of music?

Are you familiar with the melody? And your feeling?

Who wrote it?

From your point of view, was Beethoven an amazing person? Was he a musician by nature?

Did Beethoven become discouraged and frustrated when he became deaf?

Do you think his role could be compared with Bill Gates?

Zhang Heng

Just now we talked about amazing people from other countries. What about the great people in our country? Have you heard of Zhang Heng?

How much do you know about him?

What do you think of his invention?

Is he worthy of being called an amazing person?

All pictures

What are the common characteristics these four people share?