《Module8 Unit1 Will you help me》教案教学设计免费下载
《Module8 Unit1 Will you help me》教案教学设计免费下载第3页

T:What about a kite.T:Why?S: It will be windy in New York. It's a Chinese dragon. (2-3人读)

Make a kite.T:Daming will make a Chinese dragon kite. Fan fan will help him.It will be a great present.(击掌)(Teacher sticks the kite on the blackboard and say: In this class the winner will get the kite. So try your best,ok?).


Good job.Now let's step to task2.A guessing game.T:Daming will take a Chinese dragon kite to Simon.Fanfan will him to make this kite.And Fanfan will do other things this weekend.Please guess what will Fanfan do this weekend?


Give me some suggestions.

T:Just now we know Fanfan will do lots of things tomorrow.And I will do lots of things tomorrow.I will visit my cousin tomorrow.He is 10 years old.I will give him a present.Will you help me to give me some suggestions? What present will I take?

S1:Will you take a coat? T:Maybe. S2: Will you take the hat?T: Maybe.Why?

S2:Because the weather is hot. S3: Will you take the juice? T: Maybe.Why?s3: Because the juice is good...

T:Just now you all gave me some good ideas, I think I will take the hat.Because the weather is hot.My cousin will need the hat.Thank you .


1.summary: Let's look at the blackboard.What have you learned today?

2.Evaluation summary:Let's see which team is the winner? (奖励胜利的队风筝)

3.Homework : Read the text.

Ask your friend or your family what will they do this weekend?