优质课《Unit1 Will you help me》教学设计教案免费下载
优质课《Unit1 Will you help me》教学设计教案免费下载第2页


程 Step 1 Warm - up

Chant the verse of last module.

Step 2 Review and Lead-in



(3)老师用What will you do this Saturday? 来提问学生,转而提问学生想不想知道老师这个星期六将要去干什么呢?老师用英语说给学生听,请学生猜以下老师所说的句子的中文意思:I will go to buy a present for my cousin. Because this Saturday is my cousin's birthday.在此复习present 和cousin单词。并让学生帮助自己选礼物,以此引出课题Will you help me ?

Step 3 Presentation

1、new words learing

(1)请学生联想端午节,学习单词dragon,进而学习词组Chinese dragon,在此可解释龙在中西方文化中的差异。

(2)创设一个情景:同学在平常生活中有时会请你的同学帮一些小忙,例如一般会问:你会帮我交作业吗?你的同学就会回答:当然了。那么当然用英语怎么说呢?进而教授词组 of course。


 3、打开课本Module 8 Unit 1,师生一起理清课文的脉络。

 4、Listen and repeat, then answer the questiongs.

(1)What present does Fangfang ask Damming to take to his cousin Simon?

(2) What will Daming take for his cousin?

 5、listen and repeat again ,and answer the question on page46 of workbook.

  ① Is Daming going to visit hus cousin in the New York?

② Will he take a toy panda for his cousin?

③ Will he take a kite for his cousin?

④ Will he make a kite for his cousin?

⑤ Will Fangfang help him?


(1)What about a toy panda? 表示建议性的句子。

(2)I think I'll make a Chinese kite. 本节课目标句子。

(3)I think so. 表示同意别人意见时的回答。

(4)Will you help me? 你将会帮我吗?提示两种回答形式:

肯定-Of course, I will/Yes, I will.

否定-No, I won't(Sorry, I won't).

(5)It will be a great present. 那将会是一件非常棒的礼物。


Step 4 Practice


Step 5 Game

小游戏:找朋友,老师准备一些卡片,写上go shopping 、play basketball等词组和一些问题。把问题和卡片发到不同的学生手中,请他们就问题提问。比如:Will you go shopping tomorrow?去提问拿到卡片的同学,谁找到的答案比较多,谁就胜出。在游戏中巩固目标句型。

Step 6 Homework

Read the new words and text 板

计 Module 8 Unit 1

           Will you help me ?

A: What present can I take? A: I'll make a kite. Will you help me?

B: What about a toy panda. B: Of course I will.


思 使用本教案在课堂教学中的感觉:a、好的地方。 b、碰到的问题。 C、今后再教本节课的设想。