2018-2019学年英语人教版必修4学案:Unit 4 单元小结 Word版含解析
2018-2019学年英语人教版必修4学案:Unit 4 单元小结 Word版含解析第2页

  taboo (禁忌的), __10__ it can be acceptable behavior between adults and young children.

  How __11__ should people stand to each other when they're having a conversation? In areas of the Middle East and South America, people stand very close when __12__.Europeans like to have __13__ distance between them, while some Africans __14__ even more space. You can __15__ great discomfort by standing too close to another person. Not being __16__ of this can even prevent someone from understanding or __17__ the ideas you're trying to get across.

  To create a positive environment for communication, your non­verbal message must closely __18__ your verbal message. One way to do this is to carefully observe how children and families speak and __19__ around each other and with people they respect. This can __20__ clues about the true meaning of their non­verbal interactions.


  1.A.exercise          B.touch

  C.education D.strength

  解析:选B physical touch意为"身体接触"。第6空后的"physical contact"亦是提示。

  2.A.schools B.villages

  C.homelands D.cultures

  解析:选D 第一段已提到不同文化(different cultures)中人们对视线接触、身体接触等有不同的理解。此处举例说明,故此空填"文化"一词。

  3.A.uncertain B.angry

  C.unfamiliar D.popular

  解析:选C 在拉美和亚洲文化中,小孩回避他人的视线是对其尊敬的表现。而对此不了解的老师会误以为这是缺乏尊重。be unfamiliar with意为"对......不熟悉"。

  4.A.disrespect B.idea

  C.danger D.disappointment

  解析:选A 此空前的however说明此句与前一句之间是转折关系。既然前一句说是"show respect",此处应当是"a sign of disrespect"。

5.A.seeing B.staring at