Unit9 What does he look like教学设计教案免费下载22
Unit9 What does he look like教学设计教案免费下载22第2页



What do/ does + 主语 + look like? 表示 "......长得什么样?"  

回答时用"主语 + is/ are + 形容词" 或 " 主语 + have/ has +(形容词) + 名词"。  

-- What do the twins look like? 这对于双胞胎长什么样?  

-- They have short hair. 他们留着短发。  

-- What does your brother look like? 你弟弟长什么样?  

-- He is really tall. He has curly hair. 他个子很高。留着卷发。  

2. 描述外貌常用的形容词

(1) 描述体型:fat(胖的), thin(瘦的), heavy(重的),   

medium build(中等的)  

(2) 描述头发:long(长的), short(短的), straight(直的),   


(3) 描述身高:tall(高的), short(矮的), medium height(中等的)  

(4) 描述头发颜色:blonde(金黄色的), brown(棕色的), black(黑色的), grey(灰色的)  

【交流疑问二】a little bit 有点  

辨析 a little, a bit, a little bit, a bit of  

(1)a little = a bit = a little bit   


It's a little hot today. 今天有点儿热。  

(2) a little = a bit of   表示" 有一点...... ",后接名词。  

There is a little rain tomorrow. 明天有小雨。  

【交流疑问三】stop doing 与 stop to do   

stop doing 表示"停止正在做的事情"   

stop to do 表示"停下来去做另一件事情"  

例:They stop talking when teacher is coming.  


He stops to clean the room. 他停下来去打扫房间。


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