2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案:Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 4
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案:Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 4第3页

T: Now let's read an article about Lin Qiaozhi. Please read the passage and get the answers to the following questions. You have four minutes to go.

1. What was the writer's problem?

2. What did he decide to do at last? Why?

3. Which words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi?

4. What are Lin Qiaozhi's achievements mentioned in the passage? T: Time is up. Have you got the answers?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now who can answer the first question?

S: 1. The writer did not know which subject to choose to study at university among English, biology and chemistry.

T: Right. What about the second one?

S: 2. He decided to study medicine. Because he was moved by Lin Qiaozhi.

T: Is he right?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good. The next one?

S: 3. There are many words such as busy, hard work, determination, good nature, kindness and consideration that can be used to describe Lin Qiaozhi.

T: It's very careful of you to have been able to find out so many words. In these words some are about her character and some are about her personality. Character is how she behaved in her work or towards others;while personality is to describe what she is like. Do you understand?

Ss: Yes.

T: What about the last one?

S: 4. She wrote some books and articles about women's diseases.

S: She got a medical training for her career.

S: She became a specialist in women's diseases.

S: She had made sure that about 50 000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers.

T: If we combine all your answers, they will make a perfect answer.

Step 4 Scanning and language focus