2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修7教案:Unit21:Lesson 1Super Athletes教案1
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语选修7教案:Unit21:Lesson 1Super Athletes教案1第2页

For example :Michale Johnson,hold the world 400m world record ......

LiuXing broke the record of 110m world record ........

Step 2 While- reading

1 Ask them to read the text quickly ,then work in pairs ,Try to get the general idea of the text .

2 Get the students to read the four options and decide which best describe the general idea ,Were any of their ideas similar?

3 Teacher may help the students to decide .

4 Check the answers.

5 Careful reading, geive them limited time to read the text and answer the following questions .

1)Why would the athletes today have broken records if they had taken part in the first Olympic Games ?

2)What reasons are given for improved performance ?

3)What is doping and why is it illegal?

4)How did the drugs affect world records in the 1980s?

5)Why are drugs test at sporting events often one step behind ?

6)What would the effect of genetherahy be on sport?

7) What is the Olympic spirit?

Then ask some students to share their answers with class.

Check the answer with whole class.

Step 3 Post -reading